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  • How do I remain up to date with Schools in Action programs?
    Click here to add your name to our distribution list for our quarterly newsletter and other information throughout the year on school sport competition and activities.
  • What School Sport Associations are in Australia?
    This list focuses on secondary school sport associations though some of the associations listed deliver programs for both primary and secondary schools. Australian Capital Territory New South Wales Northern Territory Queensland South Australia Tasmania Victoria Western Australia If you are aware of a school sport association in Australia that is not on this list, please contact Schools in Action at so they can be added to the list.
  • What school sport programs does Schools in Action offer?
    Schools in Action aims to host ‘All School’ programs for sports that are not offered by National or State Sport Organisations. To view current Schools in Action programs, go to Upcoming Events page.
  • Are Schools in Action programs aligned with National Sport Organisations development pathways?
    No. Schools in Action acknowledge that teams are comprised of students with a range of skill levels who all contribute to the performance of the team. Our programs are aimed at providing high quality sporting opportunities for all students in school teams.
  • What is a School Sport Association?
    A School Sport Association is an organisation that provides school sport programs for its member schools. These programs can vary from one off gala days to regular inter-school sport. Generally they begin for students in Year 5 through to Year 12 but it is entirely a school’s decision as to who the programs are offered too. The programs on offer vary depending on the size of the organisation. Click here for a list of School Sport Associations in Australia.
  • How is school sport organised in Australia?
    Generally school sport programs are based on the location and the education sector (Catholic, Government and Independent) a school belongs to. There are seven State / Territory Government Education Department school sport units in Australia, with Tasmania being the only State that does not have a government school sport unit. This means the other approximately sixty school sport associations cater for the Catholic or Independent education sectors with many being geographically based. School Sport Australia, through its Government Education Department members organise State / Territory representative competitions, i.e., students represent their State / Territory not their school. Inter-school competition is the domain of local school sport associations. Some National or State Sporting Organisations host ‘All School’ competitions where schools from any Catholic, Government and Independent education sector are welcome to participate. Some School Sport Associations select representative teams from their member schools to compete against other School Sport Association representative teams.
  • How many School Sport Association are there in Australia?
    There are approximately seventy School Sport Associations (SSA) in Australia. One Government SSA for each State & Territory, except Tasmania with the rest of the SSAs providing services for independent and catholic schools. The size and the sports on offer varies depending on the size of the organisation but are usually decided by the members of the associations. Click here for a list of active School Sport Associations in Australia.
  • What does 'All Schools' mean?
    The term ‘All Schools’ is commonly used within school sport when a school sport program is offered to schools from all educational sectors, i.e., Catholic, Government and Independent to compete against each other. The term 'Representative' within school sport is used when students are chosen from multiple schools to participate for a school sport association.
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